Friday, September 18, 2009

dance, dance, dance, little lady

Well hello blogspot...its been ages! :) Ok soo most of you know I recently opened a dance studio in the small town of Live Oak called blush...serving dancers of all ages! ;) It was a very spur of the moment decision and everything went down rapidly my head is still spinning!! & I just wanted to share a little about how my first week...well day went. :)

Being completly INSANE isnt exactly the best character trait to have when your making a schedule...I found that out the hard way when i scheduled my three year olds as my very first class... :) moms start pouring in delivering their children at 2:15...this class is an hour long...combining tap and im basically their babysitter for an SEVEN three year about a challenge...

FIRST...I cant seem to convince two of them to stop WAILING....i mean these girls are severely close to creating that scene in Alice and Wonderland when she cries so much she has to get into the bottle and float through the lock...except we didnt have bottles...or any type of floating device whatsoever for that matter...

So i move on to the other five...two of which are bouncing off the walls and when they arent, theyre staring at themselves in the mirror...its amazing what a large mirror can make a three year old do...i mean i thought i was bad...these girls cant contain their excitement...not to mention they are the two most B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L three year olds ive ever seen...i reckon if i looked like them id stare to...

soo if ur counting that leaves me three to work with...and they just want to run in and out of the curtain to chat with their mommies...because i cant change activities enough to suit all of them...i mean if u think of how many activities you have to have in an hour to suit seven three year olds...i guarantee you, you cant come up with enough...i felt oddly like i was dealing with a herd of (insert wildest animal you can conjure up) was insane. Then comes the bright idea to "go across the floor" yeah...nooottt soo bright. Remember the girls from wonderland? well they cant see through their tears long enough to see which direction they are headed....and thats exactly what happened...they head butt each other...hard...and now is when we would all be dawning life presevers except we dont have was a 3:15 i think i looked like debra messing in "the wedding date" when she wakes up on the plane in front of her incredibly hott date nick mercer...& if its not how i was certainly how i felt...

Lucky for me the next week of classes ran much more smoothly and i couldnt help but laugh out loud when one of my ten year olds informed that at school a mean boy called her a marshmallow. :) bet u can all figure out why. ;)